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BTWAA's First Web Master
Reuben Sweeney, Jr.
Reuben Sweeney. Jr. was born in Dallas, TX on April 4, 1942. His primary and secondary education was provided by the Dallas Independent School District. He was a proud 1960 graduate of the Booker T. Washington Technical High School. After graduation, he served for (4) years in the U. S. Navy. He was employed for more than twenty (20) years by Texas Instruments and General Electric. The death angel took him from us on August 30, 2006.
He was a charter member in the Booker T. Washington High School Alumni Association of Dallas, Inc. He served as our bookkeeper, treasurer, Web Master, photographer, computer technician, program covers designer, printer, BTWAA logo designer, advisor and expert on Roberts Rule of Order, and more than anything, BTWAA's number one (1) advocate. Because of Reuben's sprit, faithfulness, and willingness to work, we the BTWAA members, are honored to dedicate our second (2) Web Site in his honor.
Web Site Dedication: